May 28, 2009 - Montreal.... Around 5:00pm a dude..talking to an STM agent..goes "ma valise contient des explosifs" (my luggage is filled with explosives) and then starts running.....for the next 3 hours to come after that comment, downtown Montreal was almost chaotic..traffic jam..rain..closed streets...
She was actually in the metro when they asked errbody to evacuate..after shutting down the yellow line and closing all the stations in the downtown area..she had to get out and walk-shopping instead..under the rain...(continues further down)
Good thing i left early from work that day..and good thing was that the blue line wasn't affected by the evacuation...stressing fact was that every 3 minutes (i think even less) the auto system kept on repeating that the service was stopped between this station and that one and that other to that other one..and this due to a ongoing police intervention...(area in the picture below is the "closed zone")....the "danger zone" was too big for a regular police intervention in the subway...i decided to go out...called and met with my sister...

Now she's telling me that 2 messages were announced:
- an message inviting all travelers to evacuate the subway due to police intervention
- "a tout le personnel, Code 903..." (to all staff, code 903).
Code 903 = Bomb Alert...
After walking around a lil bit trying to find stuff to buy, she had to go at the other end of the city by crossing the "danger zone"....Me, i spent an hour waiting for the right bus to take me home.....while i was waiting for the bus my sister called me "i just heard a *boom*".."WHAT!? a big *boom* or...?".."well enough to have felt the ground shaking a lil bit".."so i guess the're was really a suspicious package..they've must detonated it".."well there are 5 cops at the entrance of the subway..they're laughing..it seems like they knew something will blow up".."drchhh..ight ight..okay catch you later..stay safe"...
Around 9:00pm..my brother gets home while i'm helping my sis' bringing up those beautiful bridesmaid dresses (for my cousin's wedding...wishing them all the best + all blessings for their new life..)....normal reaction: "u heard?".."what?".."the bomb alert..service down..downtown jammed like hell..detonation".."whaaaaat? no?..seriously? mah!"
1. if i really wanted to blow things up..i would not tell....
2. you're telling me to "evacuate" because there is a police intervention and you're telling you're colleague "dude there's a bomb in here..do what u gotta do" .. well screeeeew you..I also want to know that and do what i gotta do (scream, run, panic..whateva, as long as i know)....
3. how the eff could you let people walk around the metro station since you declared there is a bomb underneath???
4. more transportation should've been available
5. bluetooth should be standard to all cell in order to receive live updates on important matters or at least we should receive a text message from carriers "avoid downtown montreal..possible bomb threat" or something like that....
Anyway, funniest thing is while i was writing this post i called my sis' to make sure of the code number..and guess what? the following monday a Code 902 (= Tunnel Intrusion) was announced...Sis' is telling me that it happened in the morning and she had to take a cab to get to work...did you hear about it??? Now i'm not saying that STM should reveal anything going on but at least..you know..give me a head start...
From now on..whenever you hear "CODE 903" just GET THE EFF OUT!!!

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